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Ever been stuck in sameness and were dying to break out - but doing so would take some extreme, uncertain action? That’s the birth place of R$KY.

The R$KY™ brand was derived from the street term Risky Business. The first and second leg of the trade is done on the water, by runners. The open seas made them susceptible to all types of risks; cops, DEA, coast guard, weather, robbers, looters, lick hitters, snitches, double crossers and the ocean itself. A Runner accepts these risks because the pay off is worth the danger. 

R$KY™ is inspired by the mind of the Runner. When you see the “R$KY” logo on someone, its never to stunt, but it’s always to let you know they're a runner; risking everything time and again to level up. That’s what we're about at R$KY™… We Risk Runners.